
News from the World's Youngest Blogger

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ho Ho Ho, 6 Months Old!

Six whole months! Let's hear it for me!

I am getting pretty good at this whole eating thing.

The holidays are here!

Bah, humbug!

I'm not sure who the old guy is, but I get the feeling I should stay on his good side . . .

I'm starting to sleep through the night, probably because I'm getting plenty of exercise during the day.

See you in 2011, party people!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Five Months and Counting!

Hello, and welcome to my blanket of fun. Grandma McCarthy and Aunt Brooke made it for me!

Thanksgiving is coming up, are you ready? I am! I've already been enjoying sweet potatoes.

In between meals, a finger makes a good snack.

Rooting for the Bears is so exhausting.

Big news for the Joyce family. I found out my new cousin is going to be a boy! We got a blue ball in the mail to let us know. Mommy says Josie and I can have lots of tea parties with Colin.

Remember when I first learned to roll over? Now I'm really rolling!

See you after Turkey Day!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Solid Food!

So much to tell you folks!

I dressed up as a ladybug for Halloween.

Uncle Dave and Aunt Abby visited and Abby made me so many bibs, burp cloths and onesies! (The cool Levi's are from Grandma McCarthy.)

It's getting cooler, but that's okay, because now I get to show off my pretty pink coat.

The biggest news is that I started eating cereal, and now I'm also having pears. Tonight I'm going to try my first sweet potatoes. I'm much better at the whole eating thing than I was when this video was shot!

Check ya later!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

4 Months and Counting

Hi, everybody! I hope you're enjoying Fall. As you can see, I've been spending lots of time on my blankie.

Playing with one of my favorite toys.

And I've also found my feet!

I went apple-picking in Indiana with Mommy and Daddy.

Did I mention that I love Mommy?

The biggest thing is that I'm starting to have more control over my hands. They don't always work how I want them to, but I get things done one way or the other.

See you next time!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Keeping Busy

Hey, everyone, sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I've been doing a lot of playing in my Jeep at home and in my workstation at Grandma T's.

I also gave my high chair a test drive for the first time this weekend.

I've been rooting for the Bears and the Notre Dame Fighting Irish.

I have not one, but two giraffe toys I enjoy playing with very much.

It's all quite tiring.

Halloween is coming up. What will I be? You'll have to check back later to find out! Bye now!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My 12th Week

Hey, everybody!

Hope you're all doing well. I've been keeping busy, watching TV . . .

Singing a little opera . . .

Still hitting the gym, but rolling over on to my tummy this time . . .

And even doing some modeling.
(Mommy made me an Ole Miss tutu!)

I just spent the day with Daddy yesterday. He did a decent job dressing me up.

He's been teaching me an important skill. It's kind of our thing when I'm getting changed.

See you next time!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Week 8, Feelin' Great!

You mean to tell me that it's been two whole months already? I don't believe it!

This week sure was a busy one. I took my first road trip to see Grandma McCarthy in Alabama. I was great in the car, but I didn't have the best night after that. A girl can only take so much time in her car seat.

But it was worth it to see Grandma.

Is the headband too much?

I don't care, I like it!

I also like my Bumbo chair. I looked so much smaller in it a few weeks ago.

Here I am enjoying bath time.

And dining on my hand.

See you next week!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lucky Number 7 (Weeks)

Let's get right to the pics and vids, folks.

Hangin' with my girl Josie again.

Hotty Toddy!

Daddy calls this one "The Skydiver."

Guess what?

I get to hang out with Grandma T today!

I sent some love to my 'rents.

I'll close with a short speech . . .

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Week Six

What up, people? Lots to tell you about this week!

I had my first sleepover at Grandma T's. I like it there.

Sunday was Mommy's birthday, so there was cake, but I didn't get to eat any!

I've also been going to the gym a lot this week. It's a lot of fun. What, all gyms don't look like this?

Mommy also tried out this new chair. I'm not so sure about it yet . . .

We walked to meet Daddy at the train this week. The carrier was so comfortable that I fell asleep on the way there.

I've been talking a lot more, too. The sound isn't so great on this video, so you might have to crank the volume.

Talk to you next week!