Big news - I have a new cousin! I'm not the littlest anymore now that Colin Matthew is here. I also have a new second cousin, Patrick John O'Connor.

Guess what? I'm going to Cali with Mommy and Grandma! I sure will have some great pics to share after that trip. Stay tuned . . .
I hope you all had a good Easter. I had fun hanging out at Grandma's house. Do you like my dress? My Great Grandma McCarthy made it for my Aunt Brooke. I like it even though it slows me down when I'm crawling.
What do you mean this isn't a phone?
What do you mean it's facing the wrong way?
Roscoe, what are you doing on my Pillow Pal?!
I know most of you have seen this video already, but you know you want to watch it again (and again):
It's important to take time out during play time to rest and rejuvenate.
I think I'm really getting the hang of this whole walking thing. Not bad for 10 months!
See you next time!